It is nearly done
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 a Revelation

The wonder of it all
began last fall
there was a moment
stopped was the time
I've always known...
A glimpse
A foreshadow
of my life yet to be...
Nearly a year had passed
me by without notice
there was cold
darkened demise
only the shadows
could I hide...
The creation of life
could only explain
my departure from
the mystery of  
settling for less
and it being a choice..
Soured on love being true
in my heart believing
it could still be new
all the while
waking each day with
no idea what to do.
This creation of life
I made mention of
is pure and clean
deeper than
spring that exists
beneath the winter cold..
This creation
This newness
This vida
Mi Amor
With each word spoken
truth is redefined
Her glance stops me
in my steps..
Her breath so warm
and genuine
speaks, and I want
to listen..
Her eyes, glisten
and love is
The words of old
love at first sight
would delight
in this once in a lifetime
to which nothing else could measure...
I have sought after,
sincerely searched,
for a love so delicately crafted..
So undeserving
so small
and yet standing now on the edge of the horizon
once so far off...
I am humbled to be gifted
the only love of her loveliness
the touch of her softness
the respect of her kindness
and genuine exchange
of our love
so deep
with a lifetime
to go...
How could I
have known...