It is nearly done
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


it would seem there is still more.....

In creation life was made new from nothing
from a breath and a word came the most
beautiful of all things...

How have you gone on everyday
with this beauty
 how have you
not been taken up into
that which you deserve
still relying on the strength
in your reserve
when you give of so much
so freely
and get only the needy
as leading you to believe
that is what you deserve..
May i be the first to say
joy such that is meaningless
laughter and the peace in
safety knowing there is
nothing more
that could for you adore
he should be
trust for you
and care for you
strength for you
and a friend for you
he should be the life of the party
and bring you with him
he should esteem you
higher than himself
and include you in all that brings him
joy.  this is the life
you deserve and more.
settle for less
would be a mess
and create
a wonder
if you are
And that should
never be....