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foreward by Jim Simmons: Creation next to Creation

how do you arrange words in such a way as
to move another soul into thinking differently.
All the words have been used and all the
thoughts conceived or have they just been
tampered with to create a sense of nothing new
when in fact there is more to each of us than
meets the passer by simple eye..
So  when all the words have been used and
ideas abused what makes a heart move more rapidly
that it did before...
Such matters I consider matters of the heart.
the heart is ever changing
it becomes new any given morning
as cracking the sky is the sun's brilliance
it becomes new as you see the depth
of her as a simple word of hope or kindness
is dealt with not return in mind.
it is when a dollar means more to them
then it does to you.
matters of the heart bring you to your knees
when you don't get what you think you need.
So how does this relate to each of us everyday?
I shall not share my own beliefs with those
that care less for selflessness than
for the next party
or conquered foe
thinking you were better than the rest.
With all that said I have something
in avoidance of forgery
it is yet again the wondering of my
thoughts pondering
and traveling through the depths of
what allow me to sleep without
the choas that is normally
feeding the monster that is me.
I wish to not speak
and hearing my voice so weak
yet with a backboned
confidence that is not of me..
and so it goes
I see you first thing
and do we call this beauty
a fling in the most decent
pretending there is a life
on our paths
that crossed
in harmony
and without eager
but pure was the
exchange and left
me in peace
not once but twice
words describing simply
it was nice
I have allowed to exist
a plan for a future I
can only imagine
and it is the plan
I desire to make a project
and a project I desire
for once to finish..
You are inspiration in the
most wonderful way.
So kind your eyes
seem to disguise
the most remarkable
bit of you
which is true that
the depths of you
cause worth in me.
Clearly it is not known
how this becomes
tangible, but it must
for some and those
it lasts a lifetime.
So sleep now and think
not of the days end
as coming of darkness
but closer to the finished
Don't forget....
This could be the most beautiful
creation next to creation
and we may be able to share it..