It is nearly done
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 just be true

In a word comes
the only warmth that could be known
this word from the lips
that carry the sun's rays
bright beaming warmly creating
a place to begin a life...
Running to and fro
reasoning is something
I don't know
Chasing the air
jumping on a dare
and falling once more
face down at the ground I stare...
I had chosen poorly
none to blame
I had caused pain
she would never again be the same...
Yet I still remain
at the days end remain
though alone I still remain
fondly retold are the days
of old; a story read aloud
I stood by while its depth
would unfold.
A character in the story of old
resembled me in traits
Strangely his future was of darkened fate,
passer bys would redirect his
vision to a new distraction
leading to simple yet empty
Left again to fix the mix
and try once again
to find integrity.
It would be honorable dear
sir, he was told this day,
to be true to the heart of
her dearest. Leave her not
wanting but in knowing
be true so that she too
may be true to someone new.
Linger not her thoughts
of hope and carry her flowers
no more, letters of kindness
left in store and should the fate
of your paths once more create
a meeting place, question not at all
the decision to be made.
It is once you stop to find out
It is twice you remember the good
and see it so
It is a third that makes this life
the one and only one to know.
So, dear sir of a similar trait
find the integrity that once made
you stand
think not of being so grand
for it is true
what once was lost will again
be found
and that honor is not looking
back at your face staring
at the ground.