It is nearly done
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 A departure from Happiness

So it has come to be
When it is what it is
Truly isn't quite that..
Define the one..
In a dream I might
be able to
For a short time
I thought reality
had taken on a different look.
When all in all
the only truth that
exists is self preservation.
I however, neglect
to see that in my
own life
I can see it surrounding me
and by that i mean
consuming me...
newness of love
thought a fondness
for a reacquaintance
with myself
yet only to learn that it
may be too late
not the right time
false to begin with
Such is the passing
and complexities
of our own existence
yet we ---------------
yet I seem to think
i am unique and
found for a change
what i had thought
I deserved, when in fact
i may not deserve anything
that resembles happiness,
but cruel inclinations to such.
What a waste..