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 The mind of the insane

suddenly av awoke to life of what they call adulthood
this life don't seem no way as good as childhood
its full of orders, and rules that are not direct
there's no real chance to be free anymore
everything has to be of the acceptable of others
and i hate this life says the mind of the "insane"
i refuse to live the life of the majority.

As from then on the "insane" live their life
in their own reality, which automatically socially excludes them
but its a world in which they feel content
a world were the opinion of others doesn't have no importance
they make their own rules
a world were happiness, laughter smiles has no limit
a world were their mind can be totally free

because of this though we punish them
as so with anyone that doesn't operate
nor think like the majority
is it so insane to feel, pain, stress, fear of the world
to decide you don't want to live in such a world
or are we "insane" for not seeing and feeling
the things that are in-front of eyes everyday  
for pretending that life on earth is always so great