Strongest Prose there is
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 Ain't no Bukowski

I'm no Charles Bukowski,
I just write like he do.
I just write about whores
selling sex, and pimps.
About old farts
drinking booze and
puking in the streets,
shitting in their pants
and stinking up their rooms.
About bums who
do nuttin' at all,
except just being
the trash
they accuse others for bein'.

I ain't no rich man,
but I sure would like to be
a rich man that is
wallowing in money
instead of shit
But I ain't no rich man

And I ain't a poet
no classical scholar
I just write
what I think
Don't care about rhyming
I can't rhyme worth shit
not if my life depended on it
So if you don't like
my poetry then it's allright
But I don't mind
even if you do like it