Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


The world is upside down again

a place that can't make sense

wrong became ok

and right became something righteous

I used myself as a weapon

not against you, but to keep you back

slapped you in the face not to earn your pity

but your distaste

Everything a violent storm

pounding in my ears like drums and shattered glass

a sandstorm slicing my nerves

every word a boulder, crushing my head

you pressed too hard,

not enough to bruise, but dangerous enough to crush

hammering nails into my brain

wouldn't go away

wouldn't leave me be

so I pulled out the horrors festering in my soul

and took you on a tour

not to make you understand

not to make you weep

not for your sympathy or empathy

not for your attention

but to drive you away

so I could have sweet silence

so I could shut you out

so I could have some peace