Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 One Little Girl

One little girl who heard her father

rip her mother's heart to shreds

one little girl who'll never be

quite right inside her crazy head.

Can't forgive and won't forget

one instant that she hasn't yet

cold as anger, hard as steel

a wish to never ever feel.


One little girl who's incomplete

can never fill that raging hole

will never fit inside the world

can never cleanse her tainted soul.

Never understand these things

birds can't fly with broken wings

and you can't fly with broken dreams

no matter how whole the outside seems.


One little girl who lost her brother

watched her family fall apart

can never look the same again

at what goes on inside her heart.

Cannot trust the things she feels

so tosses them under the wheels

Can't handle love or life today

It's easier to run away.


One little girl who wants to be

as normal as you seem to me.

One little girl who's had enough

of fighting on and being tough

One little girl who hates herself

because she's stuck upon a shelf

inside her mind, inside her soul

because she never can be whole