Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 How Long?

I said I wanted to run away

I say that alot

I feel it, deep in my soul

the urge to run

I said I couldn't stand this place

you pointed out maybe it wasn't the place but me.

I know what you meant

you weren't saying that maybe I was dissatisfied in my life

nor that I felt stifled

though I am and I do

you meant maybe there's something wrong with me.

that maybe I cause the feelings I have

by my own actions

I know that too

but sometimes I think having a past with people means

they think they know who you are based on one or two dramatic events

and you begin becoming who they think is you

your ideas of me colored as a rainbow

by your own feelings

reactions to my disagreement of your opinion

how do you change who you are

when you're shoved into a mold of the old you

Maybe I'm not as bad as you think I am

and I'm not as good as I wish I could be

but not great shouldn't count as terrible

do you actually see me

or look around me?

am I substantial in your eyes

or just a vague mass

easily shaped

into what you want to call me at the moment of thought?

do you think about what you say to me?

or do you just lash out unthinking of consequences?

how long can I stretch myself

how long can I keep myself buried in your needs

how long do you expect me to let it all slide away?

maybe you only want to see for yourself

how long til I crack