Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


I hate stoof.

Lotsa stoof.

I hate people, I hate driving in the slowass taffic, I hate not being hungry enough to eat more than a snack a day for the last week. Where is my hunger?

I hate not getting enough sleep and having it be enough. Being okay with 3-4 hours a nite.

I hate the computer, it's glitzy lights and millions of people but noone there.

I hate boys, men, and me.

I hate the stupid sites I have that were just starting to feel good and then I started being at the puter only a coupla times a week.

I hate that I'm not better at stoof.

I hate that there's nothin better inside me.

I hate this dark ugliness inside of me.

I hate the word hate.

But even more I hate feeling this hate.