Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


dark clouds roiling overhead

my skin shivers

anticipation dancing along my nerves

waiting for that first trickle

the wind tearing at my clothes

a playful lover who would snatch them away

caressing softly against my skin

sliding into the spaces covered from view

roughening as the life of the storm climbs higher

pushing and pulling me into the climactic spin of elements

losing control

lightning flashes

sends thunder raging to my ears

air taking on a heavy electric feel

close my eyes

spread my arms

throw my head back

and catch the first falling drops against my eyelids

let them run into my lips

parted in hunger

to release myself to the storm

it pours over me

splashing into puddles

and relieves the heat

and my soul

sets me free

even as the rain writhes over my skin

and ties me there