Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Locked away

My mind was unable to assimilate, unable to contain

all those thoughts and images burned so effectively in

So I packed them all

even as they swarmed over me

And carried them down step by step

they dragged me down step

by step

Down into the deepest corner of my dungeon

the blackest lonliest part of my fortress

and shoved them all inside

slammed the door

turned the key

turned my back

set my mind free

and walked away



I lost the key

it fell to earth, down the well

made it's way into some other locked room

let it slip from my grasp

sometimes they escape, those pieces of me

fly to clasp to me

invading my living soul

And I am stuck sitting in that darkest corner

trying to feed them back under the door

listening to the pounding storm of child-me

on the other side

begging for release

in her tricky innocent voice

asking to be part of me, but I know  

she brings the nightmares with her

some escape to the tower, fly out the window

lost on the winds

gone and never coming back

some find their way to the dungeon unasked

cower in the blackness

lost to the sun

But when I started the process

of elimination

I trained something wrong

the mistakes of a child

not to draw the line between what should be kept

and what should be buried away