Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


I climbed back up

out of the mire

out of the dark

I stand on the edge, the wind on my back

a great feeling of freedom

weightless thoughts given to the sky

arms outstretched

ready to recieve peace

just for a moment

I sway, so close the the edge of falling

and the rocks begin to slide beneath my feet

a mad scramble for a hold

fingers entrenched tenuously in the soil

toes scrabbling for a step

just to stop the skid

I can stay here

I can cling halfway down

just please don't let me fall

the quicksand shoots snakey vines out

catches my legs

exerts it's deadly pull

forceful and authoritative

dragging me under

squeezing my breath

I can't let go

I can't pull up

no falling

no climbing

no energy left to pull

but the wind is still with me

as long as I don't let go

I can't disappear