Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Deadly Kisses

Darkness swallows my soul

bittersweet and  unfulfilled it cries to heaven

silent clouds that cannot hear

angels turn a deaf ear

who can listen to the same angry call

keening it's pain on and on

without going a little deaf

This is not the all-out rage of passion

the surging waves that rise up and up again

overwhelming and stormtossed, no

this sorrow creeps quietly in like an assassin

lays down next to you in bed

curls about your body

holds you close

like a lover who cannot let go

whom you cannot run from

deadly kisses to lull you

soft words which drift into the deepest places and sit


eating away at the edges of your last

thread to life

silent and soft

deadly and dangerous

unable to stop it coming

because it is never seen

it just is