Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


Anger prickling across my skin

electric to the touch

Hackles up, pulse up

I pace like a caged animal within the corridors of my mind

rocky edges crumble beneath the fury of every passing movement

the air itself howling in protest as I churn through this space

caged animal, wild energy

anger like bloodhunger pounding in my skull

Throbbing in my veins

heart calls for vengeance

violent and bloody

wounded and cornered, left here in this cave

of memories singed by the past

dark and rolling, jagged and crooked

I twist my way through

and I twist in myself

twisting and snapping in unflinching revulsion

of the world

of me

of everything seen or said or done

I want to rip off my skin and jump from the prison of life that it holds me to

be free, fly away

just long enough to let it all stop buzzing incessantly at me

just long enough to forget

to escape that trap

but I'm caged

stuck in these walls I build and destruct

stuck in this skin that is alive and independent

the skin that isn't truly mine
