Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


slithering through a world of shadows

tainted black by the world I've touched

venom stuffed back into my aching jaws so long

the buildup is beginning to poison me

black, oily light seeps from stormswept skies

the color of tornados

the sickly green that looks so much like my insides

glowing an odd glow

unnatural and putrescent

nowhere safe for me to dispense of my ichor

anywhere I turn are innocents

innocent souls

innocent minds

and me, am I supposed to let myself taint them

just because I was infected?

where to put this spoiled version of me

how to stop myself from spreading the dark

If only I could shed my skin and run run away

but it always catches up, doesn't it

And even if I bite

let my instincts lash out

the venom comes back

and endless cycle of pain release pain


a pit where every misstep counts

and is held against you for eternity

what kind of beast does not gnaw off the limb that traps it?

What animal holds itself accountable for it's own instincts?

Is there any other creature who tries so hard to change it's being?

Is there a way to win

or am I fighting a useless battle?