Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Simply, I Love You

You are special to me
maybe more special than you'll ever know.
I know sometimes you don't think you're all that great
and sometimes you think you're downright bad.
But I think you are luminous.
So here it is.....

I love you.

Now, you don't have to be afraid
and neither do I
I don't need to keep you
I won't try to stop you from flying.
But remember I'll be here to hug you whenever you need me.
I don't expect anything of you
I don't need an answer
I just had to tell you how I feel
Because it wells up near bursting inside me sometimes
and I have to set it free to search the world,
like I want to keep you free.
I don't want to run and hide
and you don't have to either
I won't come knocking on your castle walls
I'll just leave some flowers by your door
and wait in the sunny meadow
to see if you come out to play
and I'll be leaving a window open
here in my fortress, so you can climb in when you want
and out again too

you don't have to give me anything
even though you have so much to offer
you don't have to tell me things
that so many people want to hear.
I know I am in your heart
as dear as you are to mine
you will always be a treasure to me
even if I never find you again
I don't ask for anything
and I won't force anything upon you
I just had to let you know, simply
I love you