Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Afraid of the Dark

I'm afraid of the dark today
I'm not sure how it happened
but the covers can't save me anymore
and I can hear the things scrambling about in the deepest parts
and I can feel their wretched lurching
and I can smell their putrescent rotting
and I know they're hiding out there
waiting for the darkness to envelope me
waiting to devour me
waiting for the shrinking salvation of the sun
waiting for me to give up, lay down, hand myself over

I am not afraid of them
not their wheezing or their groping
nothing left inside to fear
nothing to fear for myself
already polluted, already slimy and unclean
whether or not they crawl
i still...
I ... still
I still embraced the essence of the dark
I still carry the taint
I still scuttle through the shadows

I can't get up the nerve to turn the lights off
and the sun is starting to burn it's way through my retinas
and there is nothing in the shadows but the lingering stench of fear
nothing but festering storms
fabricated of my own decaying mind
and it doesn't really matter that nothing is there
nothing real is there
it doesn't matter really
and I'm still afraid of the dark