Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


I feel washed, tossed
no seperating my feelings
they crash together in one bundle of sadness
darkness, hopelessness
I want you to love me
I want to feel like you love me
But will my brain ever let me feel that way?
I chose poorly it seems in finding one too much like me
fucked in the head like me
but less aware of it all
death swings past, life drives on
and by the time I look I'm so far behind I feel I will never catch up
too busy with the million insects swarming my brain
too notice that time is passing by
incapable of even the smallest responsibility
incapable of dealing with even the most mundane emotions
incapable of everything
sometimes I can deal
always I try
lately I cannot
can't summon the strength
can't push through the tangle of my mind
can't be happy
I feel tears brimming constantly
I want to smile but have no reason to
I want to be normal
But I never have been
I want to feel
Less insane