Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Bluer Than Blue

What color does the world become
when you are bluer than blue
the color of night skies?
almost black
the taste of midnight

what color is left
when the vibrancy is sucked out
shades of grey
breathed in pastel
sun leached away

what is left when happy is gone
no tears to cry
but no warmth left inside
none but the burning in your throat
the stinging in your eyes

what is left when there is nothing
nothing left to feel
nothing left to you
nothing to be done
just nothing

but the blue
the bluer than blue
the acid taste of midnight burning in your throat
noone to scream to
noone to hear
noone who cares
noone who could begin to understand
the lower you bend to reach
the further you continue to fall
the faster you run
the less you move