Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


can't concentrate

can't think about anything for more than 30 seconds

can't remember what I knew I had to do just this morning

can't read the fucking email containing the description of his life

can't get past the part that says when he died

just can't

can't think about it

can't think about anything else either

just floating somewhere between I can't breathe and, nothing at all

I keep trying to work, but I can't concentrate

can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing

can't get up the motivation to do it

easy as it is

Fighting the mad urge to just run

run, run, escape away

fighting the want to curl up and whither

fighting the urge to giggle hysterically over nothing

need a hug so bad I can almost feel it,

and it hurts to need something that much at such a purely physical level

hurts my skin, my eyes, my brain that just

stopped somewhere this weekend and will not start the gears grinding again

trapped in infantil coldness

unable to assimilate what is happening

not really wanting to

okay with avoidance, but only so long as it works for me

and we're getting to the place where it just isn't working anymore

I can't start leaking now

stop it

push it down

push it away

stop letting it penetrate

make it gone

just make it through the day