Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Fogged Mind

Today is one of those wispy days

soft and muted

melty around the edges

where nothing harms

nothing lasts

nothing does more than brush against your skin

and flits away again

I prefer the harsh, clear, jagged days

sharp and bright

cutting and clear

where everything that hits you is a bruise remembered

everything pixelated and crystallized

frozen in a tableau of garish extremes

screaming against each other

a beacon against the days lost

I'd rather remember everything

than lose the bad

those hellish pictures save me from myself you know

and yet



when I lose them into the fog

when I forget

when I let it disappear

it feels exquisite

does the fog swallow me?

or do I submerge myself?

do I let go because it's easier?

or because I can't hold on?

do I really give freely?

or is it taken from me?

and if it wasn't....

if it wasn't...

would I still be sane?