Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 If Only.........

If only my soul were free
Weightless of the chains that have always dragged it down
If only my heart were light
Unbridled by the fears of the past that have hung on forever
Then maybe , just maybe I could fly free
Soar above the clouds
Dance on the sunlight
Sweep through the stars
Dazzle the world with my smiles
The ones that never dim
So full are they of happiness
So full are they of love
So light and free they float away and up but never out of reach
If only you were closer to me
Able to reach out and grasp my hand tight in yours
If only your arms were around me
Strong enough to keep me warm and feeling safely held
Then maybe, just maybe I could believe
Open my eyes in the night
Free my heart to leap
Crumble all my walls
The ones that held me captive
So dark and cold were they
So touched by your warmth now
So ready to fall into the sea and let you safely to my shores
If only I could hold you close
Show you with my touch how I revere your soul
If only I could keep you near
Inside my heart just as securely as I am kept in yours
Then maybe, just maybe I could love