Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Found Again

The clouds still roil overhead

angry and demented as a threatened mother with her cubs

the darkness still pulls in

everchanging the demons within it

but through the thrashing crashing seas

I can see a beam of light stretching forcefully out

peeling the dark and angry sky back and away

and though you gave a darkness unknown to my life

I can stand in that beam of sun

laughing at the way I thought my head would fall below the tide

snickering at my folly of only days before

and I can thank you now for that final step towards doom

because you spun my head far enough around to see what lay beneath the roiling world

far enough to see through the shadows

and what I found was me

the same me who traveled those paths before

barely worse for wear

yet smarter for the dream

and still bouncing along my steps

without a need for you