Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Uncomfortably Numbed

Gauzy enough to hide myself

Vague enough to be fog

As though in a trance, I glide along

every step taking more than I have

more than I could begin to contemplate having

more than I can stand

dragging on my arms like deadweights

the sky crushing down on my soul

the world washed in shades of grey

all undiscernable one from the other

no up no down

no sad or happy

no angry or upset or bad or good

or anything at all

no sides

thoughts billow around me

cushioned against the onslaught by this haze of indifference

blows softened until I can barely feel them trying to force thier way in

cries diminished until they sound like the wind

nothing touches

nothing reaches

nothing penetrates this miasma of numb

my soul hard and slate like the world outside

except the one minute part of my soul - anathema to me here

that screams and flails

making the numb

not so comfortable
