Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 You Make My Heart Hurt

Every time we actually start to talk

somewhere along the way

we touch on subjects I'd rather not dwell on.

I am trying to convince myself I'm over you

And you keep saying things to make me remember how much I wanted you

How hard I tried

You make my heart hurt

and my eyes begin to sting

I just wish it was easy to let you go

and stay friends

but so far the friendship only reminds me of us

because us was always more like a friendship - with extras

and you don't help - tossing in all those little things

the worry

the minor jealousy

the comments

that make me understand you still want me

but I can't go there - you saw to that

not without giving up my dignity and pride

and when you scorn the feelings of a gentler kind

you don't have much beyond that

do you?