Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 Dancing Apart

I am such an idiot.

U make me feel like I am slowly going insane.

dancing around each other at arm's length

bumping slightly together, jumping away burned

it's so easy, isn't it? ,

to tell someone how you feel at that point when it can have no impact

When it's beyond the point

when it's clear there's no answer for the unasked questions

So easy to keep that hold

pulling back down, sucking me back in

head says run, instincts say fly, legs want to run

but I am paralyzed by the miniscule hope which gutters like a dying candle

flickers on the thread of oxygen you extended

Would I rather know?

Almost, I wish, I never heard those words pass your lips

they've trapped me here in the clouds somewhere, no up, no down

no way out without tearing the heavens apart

and all torn heavens can give is rain

To stay where the insanity slowly overwhelms

while my soul crushes beneath the weight of a thousand words

built like walls and chains

Or to soar into the darkness without the brace of tenderness and affection I know you can give

That you cannot ever give

Give up whispers my head

Take what you can have says my heart