Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 We  Are Fucked Up People

We did sooo well before we were together

Then being together tore us apart

and now that we are apart we're closer than ever

How stupid are we both?

apparently we want noone else, but we can't be "together" either

which is going to end up screwing up our friendship, and my head, and my infernal, ridiculous heart

but how do I let go when I luv u n know u luv me?

how do I let you go to be with someone else, or leave you for someone else

Damn my loyalties - they make me want to be with you as much as I can - n not want to screw up the potential good for anything which might even be better

n damn me for feeling this way about you

n damn you for telling me you felt the same

I was ready to move on - ready to forcibly move myself ahead , and now I can't

now I want to give you what I can with no expectations - which works great - but stalls me

and probably both of us


I don't wanna do this

but I want you so badly that apparently I'm willing to put it all out there - n keep myself caged for you

What is wrong with me?