Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 I Am SUCH An Ass Sometimes

But being friends with people can be hard

It's the flip-up of circumstance and boundaries that throw ya.

Not hugely - but it's disquieting and just something ya gotta get used to.

I miss you, just a teeny bit - just every now n then

I'm trying to look at things said n done as I would anybody else, but that little drop of squish sneaks in n makes it squished for a second

Okay - getting over and beyond that

Life is just that way sometimes - no disillusionment there

It's not me - it's not you

It just isn't right sometimes even if we wish it were

I guess that's life, n I can accept it

I just wish I could not , care at all, instead of barely

no sense huh?

Well, when do I ever make sense - I mean c'mon - u know me - I'm a weirdo who's a little fucked in the head

but it's my perty little head n I like it - you don't have to!