Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry


I am almost there again

I tried sooo hard

So Hard

to give in to you

to give up myself for you

to let go all the fear and anger

to let myself feel

because you pushed so hard to take it from me, the anger and pain

you pushed into my mind, stretching for my soul

and I tried not to recoil from your touch

I tried to hold out my arms to catch you up

Because it was what you wanted

I can only give for so long

taking nothing in trade

I can only burn so long before I snuff out

with no fuel to keep me there

And as the flame dies down

all the feeling drips away

running out, away from you

You're losing me - after all your hard work

And you can't even take the time to look and notice

And I'm starting not to care

I have no energy or desire left for trying

Your complacent ineptitude is letting it die all away

But - Why?

Why did you chisel at my walls

why did you stretch so far for so long

all that work for nothing

I just will never understand

and now nothing is all I'm starting to feel again.

Those walls don't stay down on their own you know

they've been cultivated into a life all their own

and they grow every time I am made to feel

every time I'm forced into the world, and slapped away again

every time you blow me off

or tell me you don't have time

or forget your promises to me

Soon they'll be rock hard again

and you'll be on the outside

while I lose myself inside where feelings are not

and the cold enwraps my soul to keep it warm