Soul Laid Bare
Email Poem | Today's Poetry

 You Don't Even Care

I could come to you on my hands and knees

beg you for the scraps of you

that fall to the floor in pieces

unused and discarded

and you wouldn't even see me

I could scream until my throat went raw

bleeding, cracking, hoarse with desire

hoarse with anger and bittersweet agony

and you wouldn't hear

I could dance for you and all the world

flailing in turmoil

naked upon the stage

caught in the glare of a million spotlights

that glance off my prickling skin

and you would turn a blind eye to it all

I could touch you oh so gently

my fingers a whisper on your skin

or nails dragged down your spine

inciting, tormenting, causing you to shudder

And though you might feel, you'd never notice it was me

I could fade away forever

memories of me like a ghost in the room

lost and gone and untrackable

taking everything I gave with me

and you wouldn't even care