Revolutionary Poets S 2
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 Community Service

We must love one another, love is the way, we must turn
our cheek and seek peace, un-conditional love is the way.

Man ... I'm tired of hearing this crap!
So, to every Peace Freak, to every propagandist of
un-conditional love ...Take this as a Wake up nudge,
A wake up shove ... When an Enemy propagates love IT Ain't Love!

It's time you discover every Black face ain't your brotha,
Every female ain't a Queen or fit to be a motha,

Too much un-warranted dance'n, sing'n, Inebriation,
Fornication, procrastination, jubilation, pre-mature celebration,
Jaw jack'n linguistic and mental masterbation Is killing our nation!

Therefore, such conduct is no longer tolerated here.
Perpetrators will be hunted for bounty,from county to county,
So when we appear, show fear.

Clean up your act or be beat'n down with bats,
Duct taped, drowned and buried in shallow ground.

Clean'n up the community ... Come'n down on clowns with impunity,
Roll'n upon those who strip people of their dignity.

Those caught rob'n will be sob'n ... perpetrators
Of physical or mental rape will find no venue of escape. Drug dealers,
police squealers, property stealers will be met by Justice driven
Death Dealers.
To my Akhs ... load up your Glocks ...
To my Brothers, "As Salaamu Alaikum" and to you others
In the room ... TIME TO BROOM.

Since you won't take a stand by Being a man ...
Will you please SWITCH your pretty boy selves Up ...
And Get on Otta here?

Breaking necks, creating psychological wreaks ... bring'n heat ...
Bring'n defeat to the Diabolical ... Standing Strong against the

Split'n wigs, off'n pigs, Bust'n Caps, Knuckle sandwiches freely fed,
Taking heads, Leave'n Devils Dead from poisoned lead, in pools of Red.

Abu lateef