Revolutionary Poets S 2
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 Rally round the flag boys….then BURN it!

It has been said that "uncle sam" was born on the fourth day
of July, but you'll never see me celebrate "uncle sammy's" birth
because he is in reality the unwanted bastard child of his
bitch mother Europa and her afterbirth.

You will seldom find anyone who has any sense celebrate the
"amerikkkan" flag, almost everyone I know says that we should
burn that rag.

Many of the oppressed cannot wait for "uncle sam" to die … his
AIDS filled body draped by that star spangled rag ... an
appropriate end for that old capitalist fag.

The red, the white, and the blue only mean slavery,
incarceration, or death to you. Burn that star spangled rag.
Throw it in a garbage bag. Trash the stars and the stripes
and don't go for that patriotic hype.

Wipe your boots on that symbol of worldwide oppression.
Listen well and heed the lesson. Walk on it because it isn't
sh _ t! Be determined and don't submit.

Kick the red, white, and blue rag all around the floor
because after nearly four hundred years you need not take
any more. Four hundred years we've been shown the back door.

And when it comes to education, we're still on the plantation ...
second class citizens in this white chauvinistic, white
supremacist nation.

I overheard a conversation by some homeless Iraq, Desert Storm
and Viet Nam Vets saying that they ain't no patri-ots!
They said that if they see Sammy alone after dark ...
they'd show him just what they got!

They said that they would make sam and uncle tom get their
hats when they start shoot'n at them with their gats.

Some of the sick and homeless vets said that they had been
used and as a result was mad as hell and I even overheard a
group of them plotting to blow up the liberty bell.

Another group of vets said don't forget the Statue of Liberty,
standing like a slut in the water not too far from the shore.
Another commented, yeah! Let's blow up that old Liberty whore!
He said he was sure that he could lay his hands on a few pounds
of the plastic explosive, known as C-4.

They soon began to grow in number until they consisted of a
rag tag company and a few platoons ... then they broke
out singing cadence in this tune ... from the halls of Montezuma
this is no rumor to the shores of Tripoli, America has always
meant oppression ... a far, far cry from liberty.

Another group of vets were planning on killing the bald
eagle ... using profanity and grumbling something about
that old bald headed eagle, it ain't nothing regal ... it's
just a vicious dirty bird of prey that flew our way from the
bowels of Hell where old uncle sam will someday dwell.

That old vicious dirty bird of prey has wreaked nothing
but death and destruction to anything that has ever gotten
in its way. Then one member of the group said,
"That bird is a symbol of the beast ... upon the blood
of the weak and innocent it does feast."

Another said, "Seize the time! The time is now because
uncle sam is old and no longer nimble ... he uses the eagle as
his national symbol." And like a VAMPIRE old senile sammy
conspires to suck the hopes and aspiration from the weak and
oppressed of third world nations.

To all "X-Soldiers," thank you very much for your cooperation
and especially to all the COMBAT veterans of this nation who at
last have awakened to discover that they have been taken and
now realize that uncle sam has never given a damn for the veterans
of Korea, Operation Desert Storm, Lebanon, Iraq or Viet-Nam. Use the skills of your M.O.S. for the improvement of this land.

Rise up, Rise up with gun in hand and do to sam what he did to you ,
just don't Use Any Vaseline. Then lay him out on a bed of red from a single bullet of Copper Coated Lead.

Abu Lateef

Copyright ©1994