Revolutionary Poets S 2
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 Black Woman I am

Calm down they tell me
Don't say that
Someone might get offended
Someone might not like that
I put my pen down to paper and I start to write
Placing my feelings into words
Turning day into NIGHT
Darkness Falls
My strength is evident
Passion for my people clear
Except for GOD
There is nothing else left for me to fear
A Black Woman I come from
A Black Woman I am
For my Black people
This Black Woman will stand
Stand like
Angela Davis
Harriet Tubman
Sojourner Truth and Maya Angelou
Stand like every other Black Woman who has ever had the NERVE too
I won't be your hood rat or your chick
Won't be shaking my behind or doing someone I don't even know
At the club you won't be taking home
My body is worth more than your RIDE
I hold and carry myself with pride
When you want to be recognized as a Queen
Almost every man then you shouldn't be "seeing"
Think before you speak
Think before you act
Think before some man you just met has you lying on your back
You are beautiful Black Women
Even if no one tells you
You are beautiful Black Women
Look at what you've been through
Throughout history you have lived and died for your people
Started an underground railroad to free your people
Stood and made plans of revolution for your people
Wouldn't give up your seat for your people
Wrote poems for your people
Wrote songs for your people
Raised strong Sons and Daughters to fight for your people
Participated in the Civil Rights Movement for your people
Stood STRONG in the Black Panther Party for your people
Endured beatings wipings and many other atrocities for your people
I shall stand as you did
The Black Women before me
I shall stand as you did
My child after me
