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 The Final Scene

[ 1st v: ]

The questions
Until ....

Pictures re play the memory
All the answers
To those .... lingering questions

What then appears as
Stunned .... so shell shocked
Dreams talk of closed in
And blocked

Everything that I would never
Never ever desire
Placed at my feet
Stunned .... I now rid myself
Of you .... the horrible nightmare
Burns away as I place your idea in the fire

What were you believing
Me with you ?
Its never .... never happening

[ 1st ch: ]

At first I laughed
Then I cried
Now I am seriously
Shaking my head at all .... all your lies
T wonder how you ever believed
The truth is never away that far
I would never remember
Never find out
Just who .... and what you are

So .... so sorry
To say you
You just can't kick dust
Towards this shining star

Just how long
Did you think this would go on
With all that I know

Just how much longer
How much
How much
How much .... how much
Longer .... longer .... longer

Its gone
Gone .... gone
Going away .... going .... going

The first time you ever saw me
Was the moment of your fall
It is .... it was .... it is
Your last
Your last call
Now you know what I mean
The final scene

But I have to wake you up from your dream
Lies of your fantasy need a touch of reality
There's no me in your world ever
I'll never be in your dreams .... fantasy
I'm the reality for you of
What will never be

[ 2nd v: ]

There was that pause
There was that moment
To wonder
The chaos is because

Should not have taken this long
To figure out
But I finally did
Now its finale is played out
In this song

Last call for the final scene
No more chaos
Just clearing skies .... the storm is passing
The dark nightmare has finally been broken
By the light of the reality

Now I have to go
Go so far away
Never will I ever remember you
To never see you .... hear of you
Dream come true

[ 2nd ch:]

At first I laughed
And then .... I so did cry
Now I am seriously
Shaking my head at all .... all your lies
To wonder how you ever believed
The truth is never away that far
I would never remember
Never find out
Just who ....  and what you are

So .... so sorry
To say you
You just can't kick dust
On this shining star

Just how long
Did you think this would go on
With all that I know

Jut how much longer
How much
How much
How much .... how much
Longer .... longer .... longer

Its gone
Gone .... gone
Going away .... going .... going

The first time you ever saw me
Was the moment .... of your fall
It is .... it was .... it is
Your last
Your last call
Now you know what I mean
This is
The final scene

But I have to wake you up from your dream
lies of your fantasy need a touch of reality
There's no me in your world .... ever
I'll never be in your dreams or fantasy
I'm the reality of what will
Never be

Written :  1/3/2014

Inspired by ~ Someone who will not be named due to the major fact he does not even deserve that acknowledgement


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