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 Its True

[1st v:]

Night light
Finds one

Lying upon
White linen luxury

Open up
And read....

The magical story

While leaves fall upon the ground

The wind whispers
Only we can....
When listening
Each and every sound

The journey sets sail
As the ship reaches
The unknown

Rocky roads
Rough seas

Give all there is
To hold

[1st ch:]

Is the passion
Too much

Is it all
Just too deep

Wear it all so well
The heart warm fashion

I wrap myself in you
You wear me
Very well

Shining brightly
In every hue

Don't ever stop and believe
Its hidden
From view

See what belongs where
Who said what....
What was written

Just what is
Its not misunderstood

Not over rated
When it sits

Right there

Yeah its real
Its true

Its from....yeah
Just exactly right
No.... no lies
Its there
Its true

[2nd v:]

Can you feel me
When I

I think of you

Do you see me
When I close my eyes

When you smile
Is this where I

I remain

The spirits who travel in an out
Wanting to be heard
Trying to explain

What I
What you....
Live without

What is seen
What is known

Knowing exactly
What it all means

Its true

Of course
Its true

How and why
Would it ever

Ever be considered
A tattered lie

Sealed away
Like the secret letter
For that
Once upon ....
One day

Turn out the night
Turn on the light to my
To your
Burning forever just like
Warmed candle light

[2nd ch:]

Is the passion
Too much

Is it all
Just too deep

Wear it all so well
The heart warmed fashion

I wrap myself in you
You wear me
Very well

Shining brightly
In every hue

Don't ever stop and believe
Its hidden
From view

See what belongs where
Who said what....
What was written

Just what is
Its not misunderstood

Not over rated
When it sits
Right there

Yeah its real
Its true

Its from.... yeah
Just exactly right
No.... no lies
Its true
Its there

Mystically enchanting
Forever floating through the
Misty morn air

Written: 10/10/2009

Inspired by ~ My love for Richard....


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