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 A Soldiers Verse    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    109338 Poems Read
G'day. Welcome to my site.

I hope you find some enjoyment in what you read here.

Poetry is a passion of mine and has been for quite a while.
Everything has a poem... Whether it's describing some one you know, a feeling that you've had or the simple falling of a leaf in the first weeks of autumn, everything has a poem to tell it.

Some of the "New age guys" say that poetry is for sissies and such... If only they knew that the music they listen to is poetry with musical accompaniment... Or would it be music with poetic accompaniment? I'll let you decide.

Any way... Thank you for taking the time to peruse my site...
Please read the About the Author section to learn a little more about me, the poet.
Your feed back would be most appreciated and valued and can be left simply by filling out the feed back section at the end of each piece.

Please read the news section for any updates.

I hope you will enjoy my work.

Poet: heath

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