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To My Children; Shane, Wyatt, Raylene & Alicia

We have children, we call them our own.
They belong to God, they're children on loan.

I have loved you all, from the start.
The four of you, have filled my heart.

God entrusted all of you, to me.
I added you, to the family tree.

As I placed you, on our family limb.
"I'll never let them fall," I swore to him.

To keep them safe, from all harms.
I'll hold them tight, within my arms.

Love in my heart, will forever beat true.
I'd lay down my life, for the four of you.

From tiny babes, the years have flown.
To beautiful women, and men that's grown.

I need not search, for a friend that's true.
For my best friends, are the four of you.

As you add children, to the family tree.
Nurture and love them, in time you'll see.

We have children, and call them our own.
They belong to God, they're children on loan.

Love Mom

Copyright ©2008  RussettStubbs

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