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Count The Cost**

He gives me life, I give Him praise,
He gives me life through endless days.

He gives me joy, I give Him love,
He gives me joy from up above.

He gives me hope, I give Him faith,
He gives me hope and keeps me safe.

He gives me peace, I give Him trust,
He gives me peace and He is just.

He feeds my soul, I feed His sheep,
He feeds my soul, I need not weep.

He paid the price, I count the cost,
He paid the price upon the cross.

He saved my soul, my soul I give,
He saved my soul, that I might live.
John 21:17 "The third time he said to him,
"Simon son of John, do you love me?"
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the
third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord,
you know all things; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.

Became a song in 1995, produced by
Jack E. Bower, T. Mack Jones,
written by Susan Ajaz.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 1995


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