Praise Him More** Lord I hear the stirring sounds of
this year's Christmas season,
heard through musical treasures,
questioning a nation's twisted reason.
Inspiring songs sung year after year,
often the only time a soul might hear,
yet forces move to silence the words,
of the once most honored songs ever heard.
A certain few of this world's members,
seek to reduce these songs to embers,
that no expression of faith be sung,
in celebration of the birth of God's Son.
Our nation needs to praise Him more,
yet are those who seek to quiet the musical score,
to take away the threads of faith we sing,
that we might forget the hope He brings.
May voices be heard over threatening quell,
shout them loud, each truth to tell.
Let not our nation forget the past,
it's message of doom your word surpass.
John 3:4-5 "In Him was life, and that life brought
light to humanity, and the light shines on in the
darkness, and the darkness has never put it out."
Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 2000