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 T.J. LOVE  
    4244 Poems Read.

The New Slavery

Two months ago,

I turned eighteen.

Two monts ago,

I began to die.


Last week,

I received a letter from the Selective Service




Ordering me to apply.

"We're reinstating the draft secretly,"

It didn't say.

"Your generation will be first to die,"

It didn't say.

"You will have the privelege of being forced to die

For a country

That does nothing for you.

That hates you.

That despises you."

It didn't say.

"We know what's good for you.

Ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask not."

It didn't say.

It did say, however,

"In order to vote,

you must sign an open-ended contract to

shed your blood

and stain someone else's country

that you had nothing to do with."

I'm eighteen now...

I'm legal age to die.


Now we fast forward

to November 2008

Barack Obama


Hillary Clinton

Hell In A Cell

Rage In A Cage

Rumble In The Jungle

For the Democratic Primary

As we primarily assume

That we'll have either

A nigger

or a bitch

To lead us...

No one is considering a repeat

Of a Republican at the helms.

We all fail to realize that

Eight years is the

Maximum tenure of a Republican President

But not a Republican.

So here I am,

20 years old,

Preparing to pull the lever down

I consider my math class:

Eight years of War

Where thousands were killed

For one man's life

Eight years of


For the millions who shudder in the street

Praising God for global warming

That their bodies won't scald in the burning ice for at least another


Only to be fooled by Mother Nature

And blanket themselves in a fresh coat

Of snowy topsoil...

Four years of

Insensitivity to those


whose homes were washed away


Whose lives were drowned


whose souls were


And consider a future

where a democratic senate

and a democratic chief of state

breed hyopcritic injustice...

I consider my history class:

Stalin promised Russia


And he kept his promise...

Before him,

There were Russians that existed

After him,

Those Russians were dead...

That's a change.

I wonder...

What party would he be part of?

My decision would be a hell of a lot easier...

Fortunately, for me, I'm back in 2007,

and I have a whole year to worry about


for now,

I'm content on just

FIlling this application out

And taking the necessary steps

to be

An American...


Pay taxes

and die...

Did I get what I wanted for my birthday?

Or what I


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