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 T.J. LOVE  
    4255 Poems Read.

Gin And Tonic Sonatas


monosyllabic apocalypse

taste the waterfall

falling drips

bits and pieces

within the olive dish

i love quips

that bittersweetly greet me

with all of its deceit, greed

and politics

take a slice of americana and swallow it

wallow in

your own skin



you are what you eat

so put yourself in a pan

and fry yourself

free yourself

in order to be yourself

disorder is seeking help

to cure a disorder

when all you need is help

needed breathing


seems to be jaded

to the fact that i am

what i am

carrying zion on my back

charismatic catalyst

character indifference

in it gets

deeper than needing sex

and having breeds cum

so we receive them all

when an orgasm is reached

and we climax

then bring our own people to where time's passed

a dimebag of dreams

myself and me

trying to bleed jurisdiction

in existence where my mind is free

electricity buzzing

electric city in a busy rush and

eclectic when i'm pissy drunk like this

sober in my eyes

but in my mind

i've got a rope

tie it over a weeping willow

and watch my life get groped

and raped by the papers

that debate the powers that be

to be greater

in fact, greatest

then the nation has ever seen

we're all blind to it

drink our spine fluid

so when we'll be right back

we pee our mind's truants

repeat the minor leagues

we try to leave

this fight's condusive

to our studies

buddies fight

yup, it's all translucent

right, i can't do it

write my damn music

to a tune that makes no sense to me

in effigy

i ban music


to my handed shame

and when it came down like the rains of brimstone

i planned escape

execute my vision

see into the darkness

in my indecision

eviscerate incisions

into fifty states

red white and blew down the world trade

so my world gave way to first aid

but where was the one before that?

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