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Whispered Word Of Prayer**

It's as easy as the closing of our eyes,
or breathing in air and heaving a sigh.
As simple as a whispered word of prayer,
to know that our Lord is truly there.

Yet days come and go when eyes don't close,
when breathing is taken for granted and goes,
through vacant times of prayer-less days,
not remembering His wondrous ways.

Then our eyes must close to look for Him,
sighs becoming sobs in our constant sin,
where whispered prayers are spoken aloud,
only then do we know our Lord is truly proud.

Though we do no more than we were meant to do,
and earn nothing of heaven's rewards so true,
still, our faith brings us to His heavenly throne,
and softens this earth's blows that make us groan.

A softly spoken word or remembered song,
goes with me through my day keeping me strong,
lifting me just above the day's unending cares,
placing my steps on firmer ground, His presence aware.

When again I close my eyes and see His glory,
remembering the teaching of salvation's story,
that one day captured my soul and held it tight,
with the power of His saving grace and redemption's might.
Ephesians 4:30  "Don't cause God's Holy Spirit to be sad.  
You were marked with a seal by Him for the day of

Susan Hebert Ajaz
Copyright 2007


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