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What Makes A Soul**

What earthly magic does it take,
a human soul to make,
completing flesh and bone,
not meant to stand alone.

A soul that has purpose divine,
but grows as the body designs,
drawn to all the world holds dear,
oft ending up in mortal fear.

Some succeed as the world counts gain,
climbing the ladder to fortune and fame,
others succeed in ordinary ways,
raising families they can praise.

Souls are not made by earthly hands,
but given in trust by a God that demands,
we seek His way and love Him alone,
unafraid to meet Him in our eternal home.

For the Creator formed the heart of man,
but had a still greater plan,
to capture what after death will rise,
a purified soul that returns to paradise.
Matthew 22:36-37 " Teacher, which
is the greatest commandment in the
Law?"  Jesus said to him, "You must
love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, and with
all your mind."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
Copyright 10/2004


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