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Touching Eternity

When an impossible dream

Seems eons away

And undying love

Won't seem to stay

When darkness approaches

And all it encroaches

Upon the fondness

You've struggled to cope with

When you've learned the secrets

To defeat this disease

That holds us down

Like a slave on his knees

When time slips slowly

Toward's oblivion's bleakness

Your mind's rampant thoughts

Become your weakness

And yet through it all

You stand above

Though fear of falling

Through faith and love

When your head is held high

And you hear serenity

Then you, my friend,

Have touched eternity...


When the fire of passion

Burns too brightly

And flickers in corners

That awaken you nightly

When pasts are revisited

As guests uninvited

When torn love letters

Are regrettably recited

When futures seem lost

And trying seems hopeless

And that weeping willow's branch

Holds where the rope is

When your neck seems too large

For the noose to contain

When you've swallowed your pride

And excreted the vain

When your tears cannot comfort

What the truth has enlightened

And things become clearer

As passion is brightened

And suddenly love

Does not seem to hurt thee,

Then you, my friend,

Are touching eternity...


When eternity seems

Too far to taste

And destiny's impatience

Becomes walking in haste

When you parlay trust

Into friendship and kin

And wonder the next time

You'll see them again

When you await the next chapter

That book has endowed

And pick up the pen

And with ink, you let out

All the experience

You've acquired thus far

When it seems overbearing

You tighten your heart

You clench all your teeth

No longer grinning and bearing

When you spit out your ignorance

And banish your caring

When you no longer feed off

What others may say

And have learned to be famished

For what lies in the next day

When wisdom that's passed down

Becomes your new iris

You see what the elders

Have told you in times since

You begin understanding

That life is of dough

You shape and you mold it

Until you let go

And when you are comfortable

With being uncomfortable

And piecing the future

Together in front of you

When it's difficult to grasp

But easy to see

Then you have finally

Reached eternity...

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