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Dexter and Fifi - A Love Story

Early morning weekday walks at the park did conjure up
images of a rendezvous with the object of his dreams and
desires, after dark; he was going to meet up with her tonight  
at the far end of the park and the excitement of it all made him
     want to beg and bark.

The interlopers would be gone - locked away safely in the
back yards and homes of their masters; the perfect setting for
which he longed, and time to take a chance on romance and
nail the one he was after.

Her name was Fifi, the widow Mrs Claud's smokin' hot poodle
dog - a perky little pooch with a delicate prance. He wished her
collar would fall off,  how they would both take off to to be all
     alone raking each others bones...if he had the chance.

Twilight thus came upon his visions as he pondered on her
bush waked nubby tail, a frizzy little French gal though seemingly
frail he knew she might be a tiger by the tail without a hitch. She
     just might be the perfect little bitch.

     It was a hot night that night and he was hoping his master
might open up the sash to let some cool air in. 'Cept they lived
on the second flight. Going down is the easy part; he thought,
the hard part was climbing back up again.

Not to be deterred, he wimped and whined as he stirred and
awoke his master in the middle of his sleep. He didn't care
because that night she was to take the dare and meet him at
the far end of the street. They both had promises to keep.

     Later that night, as he predicted his master might, the...

     ...to be continued....

         Announcement: I am looking for a unique ending to this
         love story and would welcome any suggestions. JRG

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