Listen With Your Heart

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Awe Struck* **

Lord, continue to give me snatches,
of your glorious kingdom.
Do not fail to bring me into the midst
of the vast remnants of Your saints.

May You always affirm the righteousness,
of Your family I find myself among.
Forever astound me at my own abiding
among the flock the Shepherd has gathered.

Strike me with awe at how You have
received me into Your Holy Presence,
and rend the veil that keeps me from,
standing before Thee freed by your Grace.

Lead me to always go where Your will,
has already destined me to be,
and help me to shine Your light,
to those wandering in a blindly
stumbling world.
II Corinthians 3:16-19 "Whenever anyone turns to the
Lord, the veil is taken away.  Now the Lord is the
Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
is freedom.  And we, who with unveiled faces all
reflect the Lord's glory, which comes from the Lord,
who is the Spirit."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 10/23/1994

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