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Balance The Scale**2000

I gained a few more points today,
I hear another earthly soul say.
Another step up the ladder for sure,
my entrance to heaven more secure.

I balanced the scale with that one,
my place in paradise said and done.
I've gone to church and said my prayers,
weekly devotion should get me in up there.

But just in case it's not enough,
I will make myself Biblically tough,
reading the scriptures, knowing the Word,
so there is no commandment I have not heard.

Then I learned one sin ruins it all,
no matter how big or small.
Not even one can we erase,
without belief in our Redeemer's Faith.

A Faith that lead Him to sacrifice's gain,
of all creation that calls Him by name.
All purchased by the blood He shed,
taking our deserved punishment instead.

Though in works we dare not boast,
good works we do with His love foremost.
Treasures no one on earth could afford,
through Him we gain our heavenly reward.
Romans 4:7-8  "How blessed are those
whose iniquities are forgiven and whose
sins are covered!  How blessed is the
person whose sins the Lord will never
charge against him!"

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 2000


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