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there he is

I have known time to be relative
never has it been so long to pass this way
without horizon in sight or hearted hope
finding false moods as a means to cope.
Loved or thought to
lost when meant to
and still wondering if worth could
be in me...
So many words sounding the same
and on one brightened day newness
revealed a name.
Not one unknown
nor unfamiliar, but a guardian
of life thus far.
Repeated harm had been done
in my days as a boy to man
to lost son
once more
unconditional to the end
a path of gifted future
lays in wait for me to step
my first step.
Years indeed have past me by
decision to blame is all mine.
Yet in a moment all things
seem clean
in my wearied soul..
Reminded of a memory
a drive surrounded by
endless fields waving at me
as the highway continues over
the next hill
through another valley
and darkening the sky
we must still drive.
From San Francisco to
home, my guardian had
taken me to the unknown.
She was from so far away
and if we did not go north
for the moment I would never
see her again.
I was a boy then and forgranted
I realize now I had taken them.
It is now a soul remembering
realizing the neglecting
and still
gifted life a new.
There is no desire
to return to the coldness
of no hope finding
new ways to cope.
I will find a way
to find my way.
And this gifted life
am I thankful for
all my days.

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